Monday, November 06, 2006

Confessions of a line

I drew the line
never far across times
where I was not known.
for what I had not committed
and what was not mine.

Maybe this time is better
more peaceful than the past was
lost in uncertainity of its own kind.
and today I know others better,
better than what I thought I would know myself in this time.

Locked I was , in my own words
in my self created confines.
before I had to taste what was freedom,
and the truth that separation from family
created more yearning of its kind.

I started to forget myself, just to create
what I despised.
Then I even didn’t realized what I
would do when it will come
to facing tough times.

I don’t want to say that I never
worked up to my sight.
But what was in store for me
came to me when I had lost my time
to leave you behind and draw the line.

Confessions to Viper

I am not sick of you,
the unearthly passions you filled in my mind,
never make me forget you.
just because you are still standing,
it maybe that I may lose, because of you.
no one can tell why I ….
who never believed in himself,
believed in you.
It is your fault that I am not here,
to help you and guide you.
or maybe it’s the other way round
I needed your aid more than mine was
needed by you.
I detested you humbleness and your
way of living….
In my dreams I fought with and in reality I
lost to you.
You gave me a reason,
to keep on fighting, to win and defeat
and now what I am is just because of you.

One day we will part
our ways will one day divide
(and that day is going to come soon )
(the day has passed….has it really !!)
then we may not hear each other
listen to each other.

Do not think of me then,
Do not try to contact to contact me then,
my life, never wanted to be
overshadowed by you….
and will never want your
return in it back again.
Although I ( never ) think why,
just why I ,who was among your best foes
will miss the ‘viper’ so much.

The Flight of my life

I stood at the end of the field,
wondering why, it took me so long,
to realize that I was not
going to be among those who
lived to face defeat.

Why I cared for them all,
and ran after them.
why my life was wasted on them,
I don’t want to know all of this.
was not all this written….
as we didn’t wanted it to be.

The rising fires soothed my burns,
they also never wanted
to come in this use, or maybe
….( they never told me ) why they always
came in such places where they were told to be.

If I knew that my flight was
destined to end in such fires
I would’ve destroyed myself in some
other way …then maybe those
I loved , would not have tasted heat
before they faced life, and defeat.

I am now sitting in the dirt,
watching the ambulances take away
the lucky ones, who ran after life
never fulfilling their ambitions, their passions
and burning them alive, showing
how meaningless it really was and will be.

It was not God’s will, I know
how could someone who loved us so much,
to whom we prayed when we were alive,
to whom we cried and asked for help,
…turn us to death, so early, unknowingly.

Oh, its of no use talking it now
for what we were won’t change now,
what I did is of no use now,
and maybe what I’ll do will be
of no use later.
But that won’t prevent me from attempting
the fearsome as I move into the blue.

His Ways

Silent night, never died
the graves blossomed with flowers white
cause when he was born, everyone died.

the fight for survival was never his writing
yet he fought, yet he struggled and….
never went into hiding
he cared for those who valued him most
and also those who wanted to make him a toast.

He knew where he was going
what his life will be and what…
the final stage of his soul would be.
Still he changed it,
Still he got new wings for them,
who never knew that he will
….come back, for them
….and give them once again,
a chance for an equal fight,
which only the last alive would win.

I do not know the winner’s game,
as the fight is still to occur
or maybe it is still going on
so lets wait and see,
and pray that we shouldn’t be
among the ones who tasted dirt
before they tasted heat.

Parts of Identity

He always fought, and won
but not what he fought for.
He always tried to be, and became
but not what he wanted to be.

He always thought, and worked,
and created and destroyed,
but everyone took it in a way
not intended by him to be.

What he was, what he wanted,
what he thought, what he did….
no one knew but they always seemed to be.

What everyone wanted from him he never did
he always fought with his back to their wit.
Every new day at every new way
he had a new identity
till he forgot what he really was
and what he actually wanted to be.

Silenced once by the days of confusion
he is now into a new earth of creation,
where no one knew of his forged past
and so no one stopped him from forging a future.

Even he knew about this,
and so he fought to prevent strands
from his past from rising.
Till one day, a strand like me
pulled him back to his past.

The Taste of your soul

The rays of light, never measured
Up to my sight,
Till she gave me freedom
And a new life.

I saw the people, I saw the new world
And I kept on seeing
Till I grew sick of it,
And decided to get the real taste of it.

I saw a young girl in pink
Standing on a bus stop
With many things in her mind to think
Full of worries, full of troubles,
Her life was….
before I came in it
before I made it mine
before she dropped down dead
she was still pink and bright,
only her soul was now mine.

I moved through the cities,
through their alleys and passageways,
making lucky ones free from worries,
just by taking their soul and making it mine.

A poet was, this bag of souls,
I never knew,
till one day I saw a soul,
although witless, although
not made of wine; but had
in it a tinge of poesy, a tinge of ecstasy,

alluring me to make it mine.
So just turn and see,
I am tasting your soul,
I am making it mine.

Shadows Never Lie

Shadows may never lie,
But the champ of whom they are part of
Cares never to speak anything but lie.

The storm never blew up Illidan’s feet,
It only filled his eyes with dust.
And made him look only at other’s feet.

He owed me a present,
Which he never cared about and eventually lost it
Which made me destroy his past and even his present.

He never worked for a future bright,
And whatever he got, if he had been wiser
He would’ve used it to kill all what is bright.

Winds never blew past his face
Without creating the shadows that never lied.
But see now what they have made of the face,
Cause they now lie, they also
Brought troubles, miseries, sorrows, pain, hatred,
Anger, torment, punishment and what not,
To him alone, and that is why
His shadows now lie.

The fairies die

Last night filled my ears with a cry
of someone full of sorrow
and grief, and I tell you why
I never thought it maybe
of someone I never knew,
But who works for me without a sigh.

When you wanted a miracle
and you never got it right
it was I who won
and the hatred for me made you cry
but actually the battle was not fought by me
but by someone who is not now mine.

Now your time has come,
you will now get the victory
that was really never mine
but of someone for whom I never thought
I never wanted, to know why
she cared for me alone, and not for thine.

Today I knew, the real truth,
after tasting what is life…
facing defeat, I stand in time,
waiting, but I know
she will not come back.
yes the fairies do die, and
no matter how much you pray
again they won’t return your good time.